Radices Financial Services S.A.

16, rue Jean l’Aveugle

L-1148 Luxembourg

RCS Luxembourg B 139.691

Company under the prudential supervision of the Commission de surveillance du secteur financier (CSSF)

General terms on the use of the website

Access to this website is subject to certain conditions as indicated below, and it is only intended for those persons (natural or legal) that can be considered as potential clients.

This website provides general information about Radices and its services and offering.

This website is an information website which main objective is to introduce Radices activity and other related services, as well as the main characteristics of the investment vehicles and funds it distributes. This website is not a transactional website. All information contained in it is subject to modification without previous notice.

The information disseminated on this website does not constitute any investment recommendation, financial advice, or an offering of any product or service mentioned therein.

By using this website, you consent to the use of cookies which collect information about its visitors.

This site does not use any cookies for tracking purposes and no personal information is saved for any of our visitors.

Filing for a complaint

Submission of complaints

All complaints must be submitted in writing by compiling the appropriate form to be downloaded from this website. The complaints may be lodged by transmission either by fax, letter or the dedicated e-mail address complaints@radices.lu. Contact details must be clearly indicated in order to ensure a correct treatment. Incomplete forms, or missing contact information, will not be treated.

Processing of complaints

Upon reception of a complaint, Radices will assess internally the content of the complaint. Should Radices not be in a position to provide an answer within 10 days, Radices will send a confirmation of receipt within 10 working days of receipt. Radices commits in providing an answer to the complaint within 1 month.

If the claimant does not receive a response or a satisfactory response, he/she may submit the complaint in writing by registered mail to the board of directors at 16, rue Jean l’Aveugle, L-1148 Luxembourg.

Out-of-court complaint resolution

If we remain unable to provide the claimant with a satisfactory response, he/she may file a request for an out-of-court complaint resolution, in accordance with the CSSF regulations in force. Such information may be found on http://www.cssf.lu/consumer/complaints/